How Much Does Endolift Cost in the UK?

Endolift is a modern cosmetic procedure that is used to help you achieve confidence in your own skin. But why is it gaining so much popularity? Itโ€™s quite simple – it offers a great alternative to help sculpt your body and reverse signs of ageing without any lengthy downtime that comes with surgical treatments.

While this sounds great, we know what youโ€™re probably thinking – โ€œHow much does a treatment like Endolift cost?โ€. For this reason, weโ€™ve dedicated this blog to exploring this aesthetic treatment in more detail, including how much you can expect to pay. Read on to learn more.


What Is Endoliftยฎ Treatment?

When considering any type of aesthetic procedure, itโ€™s important to understand what it is and if itโ€™s the most effective method to help you reach your goals. So, what is Endoliftยฎ treatment and what can it help with?

Endoliftยฎ is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that helps to reverse the signs of ageing and target fat and skin sagging on the human body and face. It is effective at waking up your collagen production to reverse signs of ageing by improving skin texture to regain a youthful appearance.

This innovative laser-based treatment is a result-driven alternative to surgical lifting or liposuction that effectively targets deep layers of the skin to melt stubborn fat in small areas to achieve optimal results with minimal downtime.


What Areas Can Endoliftยฎ Treat?

If youโ€™re struggling with excessive fat, sagging skin, low skin laxity, excess facial fat or wrinkling layers of skin, body sculpting treatments like Endoliftยฎ can help.

This treatment helps to improve deep and superficial skin layers, such as the epidermis, to improve appearance in a minimally invasive way. It can be used to treat the following areas:

Facial Areas Body Areas 
Lower eyelids
Lower and mid-face 
Mandibular border
Under chin 
Inner arm
Abdomen and peri-umbilical area
Inner thigh

Itโ€™s important to note that this cosmetic procedure is not designed to replace exercise or a healthy diet to achieve drastic fat loss or skin tightening. If this is your goal, consider other options, such as Fat Reduction Treatment.


How Much Does Endoliftยฎ Cost in the UK?

Costs for Endoliftยฎ in the UK differ depending on the area in which youโ€™d like to be treated with this procedure. Here at Dr Yusra, our cost for Endolift treatment starts at ยฃ3,000.

Before starting any treatment, itโ€™s essential to have a consultation. This helps us assess your current condition, understand your skin goals and inform you whether it is the best option. During this time, weโ€™ll also be able to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.


What Exactly Does the Cost Cover?

There are two ways to book your Endoliftยฎ at Dr Yusra. The first way is to book a consultation-only appointment, which comes at a cost of ยฃ75 per appointment and is not redeemable towards any other treatment.

The other, and very popular, way is to book a treatment appointment. In this case, a non-refundable deposit of ยฃ75 upon booking is required. However, this can go towards the cost of any treatments that you go ahead with on the day of the appointment.

Therefore, with appointment slots, you receive an inclusive consultation, the treatment itself and any advice or aftercare instructions. We pride ourselves on our client satisfaction and aim to deliver nothing less than the best for you.


How Many Treatments Will I Need to See Results?

One of the magical aspects of Enodlift is that it usually only requires one treatment to reach your desired skin tightening goal. Following the treatment the treated skin will continue to receive additional collagen production over several months, which helps it to mend. In some cases, additional treatments may be necessary but in most cases, one is plenty.


How Long Does Endoliftยฎ Last?

After treatment, your skin will continue to react for up to 6 months. For this reason, you can expect to see the final results after these 6 months. Once the healing is complete, you can expect to have the skin tightening benefits for up to 5 years before the results start to wear off.


Does Endoliftยฎ Treatment Hurt?

What would be considered painful to one person may not necessarily be painful to another. However, while Endoliftยฎ is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure, the skin area must be numbed before treatment, which involves the administration of a local anaesthetic.

This injection may cause slight discomfort, but the treatment itself shouldnโ€™t cause much pain due to numbness. However, after treatment, some people experience some minor swelling and readiness in the treated area. We understand that this may be scary for some, which is why our team is available to offer support and guidance.


Should I Get Endoliftยฎ?

If youโ€™re currently unhappy with your body image and would like to achieve a more youthful and defined look, you should definitely consider Endoliftยฎ.

Not only is it a cosmetic procedure that doesnโ€™t involve any harsh surgery, but it also has results that can last up to 5 years – that’s 5 more years of loving the skin youโ€™re in!


What Other Skin Tightening Treatments Can I Get?

If youโ€™re still not exactly sure, or set, on the type of skin treatment you need, why not check out some of our other skin tightening and fat loss treatments:


Experience Endoliftยฎ, a Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Procedure to Tighten Your Skin With Dr Yusra

Holding on to our youth is desirable for the majority of us and luckily, there are options like Endoliftยฎ to help take our skin back a few years. Investing in yourself is one of the most valuable investments that you can make, because Iโ€™m sure we can all agree that nothing beats feeling good about yourself.

So, if youโ€™re looking to tighten up your skin and give yourself some tender, loving care, we are here to help. At Dr Yusra Clinics, we are the skincare specialists here to make your holistic health our top priority.

Here youโ€™ll find a wide range of services, including injectables, acne treatments, hyperpigmentation, laser scar reduction, weight loss, hair restoration, non-surgical rhinoplasty, anti-ageing treatments, skin tightening, facial harmonisation, teeth whitening and composite bonding.

If youโ€™re unsure which treatment fits your goals, reach out to our passionate staff on 0333 224 4666. Weโ€™re here to help you make more informed decisions about your future self.

Dr Yusra Al-Mukhtar

Dr Yusra Al-Mukhtar

Dr Yusra is a distinguished dental surgeon and a skilled medical aesthetic clinician with a wealth of experience in maxillofacial head and neck surgery and skin cancer surgery. She holds an impressive academic background, having graduated with first-class honours in Medical Science and Healthcare Management from Imperial College London and earned Honours and Distinction as a dental surgeon from Kingโ€™s College London. Dr Yusra is a Level 7 Trainer in medical aesthetics, in line with Ofqual guidelines, and is renowned for her expertise in providing natural-looking non-surgical facelifts and a range of aesthetic treatments. Her commitment to patient well-being and safety is unwavering, making her a trusted practitioner in the field.

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