The menopause is a natural part of ageing that happens to every woman, when your periods stop entirely. It tends to happen between the ages of 45 and 55, but for some it can happen earlier. The perimenopause is the stage prior to the end of the periods, when women experience symptoms before the onset of menopause, and this can last several years. Womens health is a subject close to our heart, and we are strong advocates for women of all ages to be seen, heard and empowered. This led to Dr Yusra commissioning a research report about the menopause, and how women are affected by it physically, mentally and aesthetically. And what we found was 63% of women didn’t realise the signs and symptoms can occur up to ten years before your last period. Symptoms can impact your skin, face, body and mood, leading to a range of symptoms including hot flushes, adult acne, vaginal dryness, thinning hair, loss of collagen, sagging jowls and weight gain. And if you are feeling anxious about this, you aren’t alone. 57% of women said they felt anxious and stressed about skin and body issues caused by the menopause.

Hormone levels, in particular oestrogen, significantly dwindles during the menopause, resulting in a rapid decline in collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in the skin. The fat pads in the face start to change, with the jowl fat pads starting to enlarge and the bone supporting the face starts to diminish, resulting in flattening of the cheeks, deeper darker eye circles, and sagging of the jawline and neck. It’s also common to notice weight gain around the midriff, arms, back and double chin area.
Dr Yusra and her expert team empower women to navigate this transitional life change with confidence and armed with know how. We treat and offer preventative treatments for menopause symptoms through non-invasive treatments and holistic skin, face and body regimes that aid health, vitality and wellbeing
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