Body Ballancer®

The complete solution for muscle recovery, pain and swelling reduction & toxin flush.

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Body Ballancer®

At a glance

  • Treatment time 30-60 mins
  • Pain None
  • Results After course of treatment that can last for 3 - 6 months
  • Price £50 per session for 30 mins or 12 sessions for £500

What is Body Ballancer®?

Body Ballancer® is clinically proven to speed up muscle recovery and flush the lymphatic system. It is the leading medical grade compression therapy system across Europe.

Body Ballancer® covers the entire legs, hips, glutes, abdominal and groin area where the main lymphatic system is located.


How does Body Ballancer® work?

Body Ballancer® uses a special inflating compression garment to apply gentle or firm massage. Each Body Ballancer® garment contains up to 24 individual air chambers that overlap to apply fluent compression strokes that target each centimetre of the treated area. This massage motion, with its special direction of flow, increases circulation and gently but thoroughly decongests the problem areas of hips, thighs, buttocks, and upper arms.

The Body Ballancer® action accelerates the removal of waste products from fat metabolism, reducing the appearance of cellulite (“orange peel skin”), improving skin tone, and reducing volume in areas affected by excess fluid retention. Its gentle, rhythmic action promotes relaxation.

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How Body Ballancer® Affects the Body

  1. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Body Ballancer® peristaltic massage enhances blood circulation in skin and deep layers under it. This brings fresher oxygen to skin cells, and assists in speeding the elimination of toxins.
  2. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Body Ballancer® compresses and massages the abdomen, relaxing the abdominal muscles. The massage action is a natural bowel stimulant and can be especially helpful for clients who suffer from a slow digestive system.
  3. LYMPHATIC SYSTEM Body Ballancer® increases the lymphatic flow. The lymphatic system is responsible for removal of
    waste products from the areas under the skin, and Body Ballancer® massage speeds their elimination and fat discharge.
  4. MUSCLES Body Ballancer® peristaltic massage helps remove toxins from exercise and physical activity, as well as soothing, relaxing and decongesting muscles, easing aches and pains.
  5. SKIN Body Ballancer® massage increases the flow of freshly oxygenated blood to skin layers. Skin will look firm and toned, and will feel smoother and softer.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Based on the proven principles of manual lymphatic drainage the Body Ballancer® is the most precise & clinically proven treatment
  • It enhances ability to perform exercise following muscle fatigue within only 20- 40 minutes of treatment time
  • 1 session instantly flushes out toxins, lactid acid and metabolic waste products from exercise and physical activity
  • 1 session immediately reduces relayed muscle soreness and resting time before the next physical activity or work out
  • Regular treatment sessions shorten healing time after trauma or sports injury – significantly improves swelling and edema
  • Prevents over-training due to the relaxing effect on the nervous system
  • Highly improves circulation and breaks down adhesions while nourishing the tissue with freshly oxygenated blood

Yes, Body Ballancer® is safe. The treatment is intended for use by people in good health. It is not recommended for people who have heart problems, vascular problems, condition requiring the use of any medical device, or any condition that may affect their normal well-being.

We do not treat the abdominal area during pregnancy.

Each 30 min session of Body Ballancer® is £50.

We also offer a course of 12 sessions for £250.

Please contact us to arrange a consultation.

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